xThexJackalx666 wrote:
I know i cannot be the only one to feel this most recent dlc is just going to be the next in a chain of letdowns, yes small maps may be fine for ffa or hardpoint but there has been a severe lack of larger maps. personally i am sick of seeing nuketown or firing range remakes why not add a little variety for once where` is the return of maps such as wmd, array, hazard, hanoi etc? 3arc claimed in prerelease that bo2 was to be the redemption of mw3`s failure yet so far i have not seen a single effort to become more hardcore oriented or to fix any of the issues such as perks not working at all (ghost etc) they just keep adding more restrictions to the gametypes and withdrawing your freedom to strategize or truly work as a team instead of just constant run and gun or spawntrapping, idk but if you claim you want it more team oriented might as well go back to bo1 or waw i just fail to fathom how they can make such good prequels then drop the ball on this title.
To each their own obvious opinion, but this game is no where as near as you describe as bad. Its chaotic, its hectic, its fun (to me). The maps issue? I care less for maps, we deal with a favorites and we deal with the ones not so favored.
I would rather them add new maps, one thing I do agree is no more small maps, id prefer a mid size, night version map or rain or jungle.